Thursday 24 June 2010

1. Ikkyo - First technique

Menurut wikipedia, ikkyo bermakna "First technique (一教, ikkyō?) a control using one hand on the elbow and one hand near the wrist which leverages uke to the ground.This grip also applies pressure into the ulnar nerve at the wrist."

Apply ikkyo semasa katate(one hand) tori(the person who applies the technique)hantai(bersilang) iaitu apabila uke memegang 1 tangan tori secara silang.

Here's how Sensei Gary Boaz does the ikkyo pin explained in detail.

Selain daripada kata te tori hantai, ikkyo boleh digunakan semasa Shoumen(Front) Uchi(Strike) ke kepala.

Next: Teknik throw Shihonage(4 directional throws).

0. Warm up Exercises

Mula-mula sekali warm-up dulu untuk meregangkan otot-otot. Video-video hanya menerangkan aktiviti warm up khusus untuk latihan aikido.

1. Kotegaeshi Undo

2. Nikyo(Second Control) Undo

3. Ukemi-forward & Backward roll, shiko

4. Hariz doing Suri-ashi & Tenkan in his 2nd lesson.

5. Hariz and Kak Bebey practising Ukemi.